Automation of Linux Control

kore arvind
3 min readNov 9, 2020


Automation this menu my team have created different modules which perform different function. When we start the program it shows my team details and ask the user where he want to perform the task either on local system or Remote system.


  1. Linux Configured
  2. Hadoop Configured
  3. Docker installed
  4. Yum Configure

The application is contained in the python file, as we run the python script the menu appears containing automation options for Linux, Hadoop, AWS and Docker.

Functions provided

Currently I have created the functionality of Hadoop, Docker, YUM and basic commands of Linux.

  1. Basic Operation

let’s us see some the basic commands like ifconfig, date, cd, pwd ,mkdir, gedit, firewall etc…and run using automation menu

and know they how they are working

the common command we can use

now some more commands

different basic operation Some function are shown in the images. Other options you can see by executing the code on your system

2. hadoop cluster

now lets see some hadoop commands like starting the namenode and datanode ,stopping the datanode and namenode, putting files in hadoop etc… which can be running using this automation here the commands are excuted in REDHAT 8

we have running the putting file in the hadoop

we have seen jps command

3. Docker commands

now lets see some docker commands like configuring docker,launching container, pulling image, stopping container, attaching cotainer, removing conatainer , removing image etc… which we are going to use in the menu

we have seen the containers in the docker

now we have seen the available images in docker

4. YUM Configuration

now lets see some command to configure yum like configuring AppStream,

BaseOS and Docker repository in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ folder by creating a file.


today we seen some of the commands which can run using menu without kowning completely about commands futher we some other topic of linux




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